Code Of Ethics

Minifootball enables social entities to learn and practice fair-play, to put into practise concepts such as justice and conflict resolution, as well as to generate sociability, responsibility and collective effort.

Minifootball focuses on player development, teambuilding, fair-play and building of inter-relations among thousands of players who take part at this moment at a European level.

Minifootball is the most “inclusive” game. It is suitable for everyone regardless of technique, skills, age or physical capacity. Emphasis is placed only on player development rather than winning or losing. Minifootball plays a key role in improving the physical and psychological wellbeing of individuals, and therefore of our community.

Any effects on sports participants will be determined by the frequency and intensity of participation, and their degree of adherence over time. Although these factors are especially important in order to obtain fitness and health benefits, they also have implications for the development of sporting and social skills and changed attitudes and values.

EMF promotes minifootball as a tool for health-enhancing physical activity, development, equal opportunities, education, enjoyment, well-being, social inclusion and integration through sport and for combating racism and other forms of discrimination.

YOU PLAY means friendship and respect for others!